The following questions have been submitted to the Bylaw Committee for review and the responses to the questions are also indicated below:
Question 1) Since “Emeritus” and “Life” member categories are being removed from the bylaws does this mean that current Emeritus & Life members will loose their designations?
Answer 1) No, all members who currently hold those designations will keep their respective designations as indicated in the amended bylaws here:
4:12 Former Designations of Life, Honorary and Emeritus Members to Continue Members who were previously recognized as Life Members, Honorary Members and Emeritus Members of the Association shall retain the right to designate themselves as such for so long as the member adheres to the Association’s requirements and complies with the Association’s Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct established by the Council from time to time For greater clarity: (a) former Life Members may continue to enjoy all the privileges to which their Professional Membership designation entitled them, shall be charged annual membership dues as fixed by Council from time to time, and may continue to use the designation set out in paragraph 4:15 herein; (b) former Honorary Members may continue to designate themselves as such, and to use the designation set out in paragraph 4:15 herein, but shall not otherwise enjoy any of the rights or privileges of membership in the Association; and (c) former Emeritus Members may continue to enjoy all the privileges to which their Associate membership category entitled them, shall not be charged any PIDIM annual membership dues, and may continue to use the designation set out in paragraph 4:15 herein;
Answer 1) In making this decision the Bylaw Committee looked at all Provincial Interior Design Associations across Canada and wanted to align the membership categories with other Provinces. Fellow, which is a category the PIDIM currently holds in the current bylaws, was the most common across the country and most accurately reflects a way to recognize members for distinguished contribution to the profession, dedication to PIDIM, meritorious contribution to the advancement of the profession. Retaining this category was important to the Bylaw Committee in order to confer this designation upon Interior Designers nominated for the recognition.
Question 2) What is the benefit of adding the Retired category?
Answer 2) Adding the Retired category (not in current bylaws) will provide a proper space for retired PIDIM members, at a reduced rate (instead of Non-practicing category at a larger rate), as many of these members who retire from practice also leave the PIDIM. PIDIM has lost many long standing members with many years of service and expertise because there was not a Retired category and the Bylaw Committee thought that was important to address this.
Question 3) What special recognition is there for PIDIM members moving forward?
Answer 3) PIDIM has retained the designation of Fellow, similar to other Interior Design Associations across Canada, for special recognition as indicated in the amended bylaws:
4:10 Fellow Members The designation of “Fellow” may be conferred by Council upon those individuals who are Professional Members of the Association and to whom an honor has been awarded: (a) by reason of their distinguished contribution to the profession of interior design; (b) by virtue of their demonstrated dedication to the PIDIM through maintaining a high level of involvement within the PIDIM over an extended period of time; (c) by virtue of their demonstrated initiative by holding various positions of responsibility and leadership which have made a meritorious contribution to the advancement of the PIDIM and/or the profession of interior design; 10 (d) are of good moral character; (e) comply with the Association’s Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct established by the Council from time to time; and (f) who has been nominated for this designation in accordance with these By-laws.
Question 4) Will any of the modifications made to section 4:02.1 Qualifications for Professional Membership affect someone’s ability to apply with a non-CIDA degree and completion of their book of evidence?
Answer 4) 4:02.1 (a) (iii) - addresses the alternate route.
No, it will not affect someone’s ability to apply to PIDIM. It enables Council to accept non-CIDQ degree applicants into membership (along with meeting the other requirements as listed).
Question 5) I am interested to understand more about the Educator category – how it is defined?
Answer 5) Like the Retired category above, there was no definitive spot for Interior Design Educators with variations of educational backgrounds (history, architecture, etc…). A select few Interior Design Educators, who hold CIDA degrees, are only able to apply to PIDIM under the current bylaws. This new category allows for more Interior Design Educators to be part of PIDIM. The Bylaw Committee looked to the other Provincial Interior Design Associations as a reference for what defined the amendment of Educator category.