
In 1982, Manitoba was the second province to enact legislation creating an Interior Design profession. The Interior Designers Act had recently become law, and provided that the association would be renamed “The Professional Interior Designers Institute of Manitoba” and only recognized members would be permitted to use the title Professional Interior Designer, The PIDIM would be responsible for professional development, admission standards, and ethical conduct.

Practice Regulation

Our Practice Regulations describe and define what we, as Professional Interior Designers, expect from ourselves in the practice of Interior Design, and in our businesses.

Read our full Practice Regulations in the document below.  (Both English and French are available)


The PIDIM is a not-for-profit organization that is obligated to hold and adhere to bylaws.  These Bylaws dictate how we operate as a regulatory group that is committed to the practice of interior design for the purpose of improving the quality of life through the design of the interior environment.

Complaint ByLaw’s: Written By-laws respecting complaints against members and disciplinary procedures.

Other relevant documents to our association are: